To what extent is it reasonable to conclude that if you are not experiencing positive or negative emotions about the materials and activities in any learning experience, that you are potentially disinterested or not motivated?

It is reasonable to a fairly high extent. Emotions are linked to interest and engagement. When the right emotions are evoked students have a want to learn and discuss. Discussion and engagement in so is a great gauge of seeing which students are interested with the content and the way it is being taught. These emotions however must be positive or negative emotions related with interest.   

Emotions correlating with boredom cause a fight or flight mode and are sent to the lower 80% of the brain. This information will not be stored for the long term.   

This unit already is engaging me. Not only in a way where I want to keep engaging but it's also bringing up discussions surrounding values with my educational peers. I believe this is an incredibly important part of becoming a teacher. 

My emotions on engaging further with Digital Pedagogies as a unit. Are they positive, negative, indifferent?

As stated above I'm feeling quite positive about engaging further with this unit. I believe that it is tying together a lot of the information learnt so far. However introducing topics that I have been wondering about. 

The commitment I have to actively interrogate my emotions, and beliefs about creative pedagogy that extends beyond the mere delivery of information to my learners

I believe reflection is something that I am still working towards with my pedagogy.   

This unit I aim to commit very highly to actively interrogating my beliefs surrounding creative pedagogy and finding out where I sit in that space. I also aim to find out different ways I can support different learners. 

My present values and beliefs about ICT in the classroom

ICT in the classroom is incredibly important. The next generation are every changing in a digital world.   

These children thrive with ICT in the classroom as seen in multiple studies. I believe that ICT can truly cater to all students different styles of learning. 

My approach to teaching and learning

I take a collaborative approach to teaching. Discussions and group work are my favourite tools. I love using Padlet as a form of presenting information. 

Early challenges to my values and beliefs as I enter this unit

I have had countless conversations with other pre-service teachers surrounding upholding your own values when creating your spin to creative pedagogy. 

I believe that you don't have to honour your values completely and sometimes this is impossible. I believe you have to cater to your students needs and values above anything. Yours come second. If that means stepping out of my comfort zone and forcing myself to learn something new within ICT then so be it. 

What experience do I have with ICT in the classroom?

As stated previously I used Padlet on my first placement. I have used OneNote also. Countless videos and collaborative learning spaces online. 


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