How will the characteristics of our Gen Z learners define their engagement in the traditional classroom?

Gen Z according to research have short attention spans and therefore do not respond well to fully teacher lead classes. They communicate with speed, images, think in 4D and are more engaged with their own lead work. 

Their engagement with fully teacher lead classrooms, where the teacher just delivers the content and answers their own questions is shown in the traditional classroom. Where students are not engaged or absorbing the information. This classroom shows no collaboration or creativity within the teachers pedagogy. 

Was this level of creativity in evidence in the schools I have attended, both as a student, and as a preservice teacher? Furthermore, is this level of creativity in evidence in our University units? Why were our previous studies presented in that particular way? How else could they have been presented?

This level of creativity was not in my personal schooling as technology was still being harnessed around the time I went to school. We used technology but a very traditional version.   

While on placement as a preservice teacher I witnessed a huge creative pedagogy. The entire school was equipped with iPads and AppleTVs. Teachers also were regularly updating their tool boxes and using various technologies to engage their students. I was even able to start building some of these skills there.   

This level of creativity can be seen in some of my University units. Digital Pedagogies has been one of the most creative I have seen so far. Using various blogs and websites has been interesting to see as an additive. I do think some units could do more to be creative.   

Various of my previous studies had opportunities for collaboration and discussion boards but not many people take the opportunity to use these. Therefore I think making these gradable would be a great incentive. I also think that instead of straight essay assignments teachers could implement more creative ways to assess our knowledge. 

The implications of a curriculum that is linear, progressive, aimed at a single learning outcome for the development of both individuals and the society we live in

I think it's impossible. All students work within different levels, with different styles and at different paces. All students cannot achieve the same within a tightly wound assessment template.   

Students should be assessed within their own strengths and weaknesses and complete tasks in a way best suits their learning progressions.   

No student should be left behind!

How can ICTs help in the development of a professional learning network? 

ICT is a great way to collaborate as teachers in the space of creative pedagogy. We are all constantly learning from one another and sharing resources. It is a great way of holding each other accountable, reflecting and progressing as professionals.   

Within the classroom with students it is a great way of tracking progress, collaborating and co-creating. Connected classrooms are progressive classrooms. 


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