2. Digital Media, How Can it Benefit Teaching?


How can digital media benefit the pedagogy of teaching? Well...

My last blog encompassed online sites and their uses in the classroom. In it I discussed the characteristics in which 21st century young adults possess. The conclusion was that these traits (multi taskers, global collaborators, social entrepreneurs etc.) can only be harnessed with the proper implementation of technology and all of its benefits. This week I will be discussing digital media.

"In their homes and communities, children are immersed in 'mediascapes'” (Appadurai, 1996). This line from Appadurai encompasses digital media and its involvement in our students lives, the most well-known being social media. Leading on from the traits mentioned in my last blog, students possess qualities in which are complemented by modern digital technologies. These traits being namely to do with communicating with speed and images. Research shows that students are highly benefited by digital media being implemented into their learning because of these modern traits. Just some of these learning tools and what can be achieved by using them include:


Engage thinking (knowledge, understanding, analysis, evaluation). 
Influencing feelings.
Support visual skills development.
3D Images – an up-and-coming visual tool in which brings learning into a real-life experience. 
 Examples include: Visual representation (ReadWriteThink), mind mapping (Wise Mapping), sticky note boards (Padlet), and my new favourite infographics (Canva), 3D design (TinkerCAD). 

Below is an example of an infographic and how it can be used to present information. 


Support student creation. 
Integrate with other media for optimal learning. 
Benefit networking. 
 Examples include: Voice recording (Audacity), (Vocaroo), podcasts (Spotify), (iTunes). 

Below is a podcast among many other wonderful ones uploaded to Spotify. ‘For the Love of Teaching’ is a podcast in which is inspiring and keeps me excited to become a teacher. They also provide a range of downloadable resources. I think it’s also an example of the range of audio files that exist in the online space. 


Affective, metacognitive, higher order thinking.

• Communication and presentation skills.

• Organisational and teamwork skills.

• Movie-making skill development.

Examples include: Presentation (YouTube, Vimeo), creation (Powtoon), networking (Blogger, Google Drive).

This week I will be discussing videos and how they can be used beyond a simple embedded YouTube video. For this topic, I will be delving into the world of Powtoon and how this tool can be used in our classrooms. 


Powtoon – Video Digital Media

Powtoon allows not just teachers but students present information using video. The layouts are endless having a template for almost every presentation you need to achieve. As stated in this video it takes 1.8 million words to achieve the value of 1 minute of video. This is relevant to students and how they absorb and exercise information. Powtoon is perfect for adjusting to this. I urge you to watch the video below not only as information about the power of video for education but to see how Powtoon can be used. 

I have created a Powtoon that you can view by clicking this link. It presents the most significant events of WWII. This is something I would use in my own history lessons as a way to engage my students. 

The opportunities for sharing presentations in the form of videos are endless. You as a teacher can use Powtoon to present your learning material. Students can use this tool to present their own research to each other. Not to mention the community of people creating Powtoon videos to create and share their own findings on various topics. 

Powtoon is endlessly customisable. With size, font, pictures, animation, colour. It is all incredibly easy to navigate if you have a creative touch, needing basic PowerPoint skills to navigate. Images, audio and video can be implemented into your PowToon presentations. 

Even then if you feel overwhelmed by it and are comfortable making your PowerPoints in the classic application, there is an option to convert your PowerPoints into a Powtoon video. 

There aren’t many options for sharing your presentations within PowToon. But unique links are available to be sent to whoever you would like to view you presentations and they are also easily exported into video playing files. 


Legal, Safe and Ethical Protocols

As teachers we have a duty to model and enforce legal, safe and ethical practices in online spaces. This is reflected in the Australian Curriculum: ICT as a General Capability. Outlined in our weekly content for our unit Digital Pedagogies in Secondary Schools is the level in which students must be at by a year 10 level within ICT. These points are: Recognise intellectual property, apply digital information security practices, apply personal security protocols and identify the impacts of ICT in society. 

In my beliefs Powtoon along with other digital media applications and content can be used to teach students how to meet the level of ICT skills expected of them. They are able to practice protocols such as giving credit, safely navigating and safely interacting. Although teachers have a duty to make these spaces safe (settings) and give students the tools to do these things. 


Pedagogical Benefits

In a previous blog post I outline the benefits of using Blooms Taxonomy and the SAMR model as a foundation for pedagogical practices in the classroom. Outlined is the relationship between these two concepts and how technology must be used to transform and navigate the world our new learners bring us. I encourage you to read this post before continuing. 

Using the SAMR Model, my new knowledge surrounding Powtoon and my teaching areas, I have discovered how all levels of learning can be achieved. 


The timeline as I created above in Powtoon can be given to students to view individually for memorisation purposes. Without sound and just viewing the information and images this directly substitutes students being given a handout to read and interpret on their own. This process has little to no functional improvement. 


The timeline as I created above in Powtoon can be shown to the class to create a basic understanding of the events that occured in World War II. This directly substitutes a timeline given to the class as a paper copy handout to go through as group. This functionally improves the activity as students can view the video later via a link, if it has a voiceover it can also deem especially helpful for later viewing, retelling key points and further understanding.


Powtoon videos can be created to teach entire lessons without the use of basic PowerPoint. Before inconceivable is a video which shows movement and engagement with the use of voiceovers and valuable links and videos embedded. This video can be sent to students when away or during unprecedented events like COVID-19. This creates an entire lesson redesign in which is purposeful.  


Using Powtoon students can create their own videos to present new researched information or assessment in class. This is a video in which doesn't need to be recorded but uses images and graphics to explain a story. This before was quite impossible as to use the graphics and movements in Powtoon videos students would need significant IT skills. I would love to use this process in an assessment piece for English, especially when doing persuasive speeches as I believe Powtoon could make these writings along with the movement of images (rather than still - PowerPoint) more powerful. 


Australian Curriculum. (n.d). Learning continuum of information and communication technology (ICT) capability: Applying social and ethical protocols when using ICT. https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/general-capabilities/information-and-communication-technology-ict-capability/learning-continuum/?element=Applying+social+and+ethical+protocols+and+practices+when+using+ICT&page=2 

Best, J. (2015, October 9). The SAMR model explained: with 15 practical examples. 3P Learning. https://www.3plearning.com/blog/connectingsamrmodel/

Cole, D. (2014, March 13). A message from your brain: I'm not good at remembering what I hear. National Geographic. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/140312-auditory-memory-visual-learning-brain-research-science

Hobdell, G. (2021). EDSE12024 Topic 2: The nature of digital pedagogy: What is digital pedagogy?: Bloom's taxonomy and higher order thinking: Study guide Term 1 2021. CQU Moodle https://moodle.cqu.edu.au/mod/book/view.php?id=1412185&chapterid=108997

Hobdell, G. (2021). EDSE12024 Topic 4: Digital tools 2: Simple digital media: Study guide Term 1 2021. CQU Moodle https://moodle.cqu.edu.au/mod/book/view.php?id=1412191

Hobdell, G. (2021). EDSE12024 Topic 4: Digital tools 2: Simple digital media: Using media for learning: Video: Study guide Term 1 2021. CQU Moodle https://moodle.cqu.edu.au/mod/book/view.php?id=1412191&chapterid=109016

Powtoon. (2018, August 20). Powtoon for work [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAI7nGLSJj0

Radley, Z. (2021, March 17). Bloom's taxonomy and the SAMR model. Google Blogger. https://zarasdigitalpedagogies.blogspot.com/2021/03/blooms-taxonomy-and-samr-model.html#more

Radley, Z. (2021, March 27). Web spaces and their offerings in a 21st century classroom. Google Blogger. https://zarasdigitalpedagogies.blogspot.com/2021/03/web-spaces-and-their-offerings-in-21st.html

Ratinecas, P. (2014, August 9). Meet generation z: Forget everything you learned about millenials [Presentation]. Sparks Honey, New York, USA. https://www.slideshare.net/ratinecas/meet-generation-z-forget-everything-you-learned-about-millennials-produced-by-sparks-honeyusa-new-york

Schuck, S., & Kearney, M. (2006). Capturing learning through student-generated digital video. Australian Education Computing, 21(1), 15-20.

zara.radley. (2021, April 11). Timeline [Video]. Powtoon. https://www.powtoon.com/online-presentation/cBAgb5Pl342/?utm_medium=SocialShare&utm_campaign=studio-share%2Bshare%2Bby%2Bowner&utm_source=studio-share-button&utm_content=cBAgb5Pl342&utm_po=36345522&mode=movie




  1. Wow! I loved reading about and viewing your exploration of Powtoon. It seems like a great tool to use for history classes, and isn't one I had heard of before. Props for getting right into it and creating your own sample task. I also like how you've outlined the ICT general capabilities, but maybe they could be expanded upon more in terms of specific measures taken by teachers when using digital media in the classroom. Great examples using the SAMR model, and I enjoyed how thorough your overview section was. Keep up the great work! Btw - I noticed that your hyperlink for Blogger missed the 'r' at the end. Purely a tiny aesthetic thing but thought I'd let you know anyway :D

  2. Very well done Zara. Love the incorporation of the podcast and embedding an entire website instead of just a link. Very well executed. Hyperlinks, bolded words and bright, standout headings are something that most forget about but it adds so much readability and gets people excited to read, well done for implementing plenty (but not too much) of this, you've hit a perfect balance I feel. Keep that up. The only thing I could really help you improve on is exactly what Charlotte said before regarding adding more to your safe, ethical and legal section, besides that, this blog is really well written, great, relevant information and good use of media to show off the media.

    Good job and I'm sorry I can't add much to help you improve.


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